contemporary yet
classic, wearable
statement jewelry
Recycled silver & gold
|Ethically sourced stones|

wife, mother, jeweler
I am Katharine Jane. I was born and raised in a small town in Maine, where I live in an off-grid, hand-built house with my husband, two little girls, and an ever-changing variety of farm animals.
Expressing myself through what I wear has always been integral to who I am, even growing up in such a small town. I studied abroad in Milan, Italy where I encountered a completely new world of fashion, where the cultural expectation to dress your best is high.
A few years later while traveling through Chile I met a group of local “artisanos” who took me under their wing. They taught me how to strip scavenged copper electrical wire, and turn it into beautiful wire-wrapped jewelry. We hitchhiked from pueblo to pueblo selling our jewelry on the streets, at fairs, and markets.
My work has evolved since then and I now work with precious metals like gold and silver, and with precious and semiprecious stones to create contemporary yet classic jewelry.
As a working mom living on a rural Maine farm, creating wearable jewelry that still makes a statement is my joy. I hope you can find that joy within my pieces as you wear it through your life!
“wear who you are”